Circle Of Care Medical Network - Dedicated To Your Health Care
At Eagles Landing Medical Centre, we want to help you reach your health goals. With that in mind, we are part of the Circle Of Care Network of Doctors that is dedicated to your health care and goals. As a patient-focused practice, we are happy you have joined us and we are committed to your health needs. In this practice, we use the Circle Of Care medical model to deliver you the best medical care possible. Please read carefully.
Use the Circle of Care process - COC - below when you are suddenly sick, injured, or in severe pain:
1. Dr Roger Sen - Available Monday To Saturday. Monday to Friday by Appointment And Saturday Walkin Clinic 10 am to 2 pm for my own
patients. Call the office 905-303-2700 or book online on our website.
2. The Afterhours Doctors On Call Service. (Staffed by our team of family doctors) Call Centre 416-477-2844. After hours Monday to Friday on 5 pm to 8 pm. Saturday 9 am to 3 pm and Sunday 9 am to 12 pm.
3. Vaughan Urgent Care Clinic. Located on Jane St, north of Rutherford. Walk-in. Monday to Friday 4 pm to 10 pm. Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 4 pm.
4. Any Hospital Emergency Department in the province.
Avoid the use of outside care doctors. These are community walk-in clinics, (including Dr. Jacobson here), virtual clinic such as Shoppers, Telus, Maple, Greenshield, and Housecall doctors.
Reasoning Behind the Circle of Care Medical Model, Why Should You Avoid Outside Care?
1. We never obtain a report from these doctors. For Example, we do not know what their impression is of your illness, what tests they ordered, the test results, or what treatment they prescribed. Your medical care is broken. Doctors within the circle of care send back reports.
2. Loss of our funding. All family doctors need to run their practice like a business. We get paid an annual flat fee, pro-rated daily from the government, to look after all of your medical visits. Outside doctors charge for every visit and their fee becomes deducted from the flat fee I earn to look after you.
Any use of Outside Care can result in dismissal from medical practice. Finally please confirm all your scheduled appointments. No shows will result in charges.
Dr Sen’s Schedule & the other Doctors Hours Here.
Available: Monday to Saturday
In-office: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.
Phone: Monday to Friday
Walk-in: Saturday 10 am to 2pm. No booking.
Online booking for weekday consult: https://eagleslandingmc.com
Call Office: 905 303 2700
Afterhours On Call Doctors
Available: Daily
Monday to Friday 5 pm to 8 pm. Call after 3 pm.
Saturday-Sunday. 9 am -12 pm. Call after 7 am.
Call Centre: 416 477 2844
Visit https://eagleslandingmc.com or https://www.bndoctors.com
Mackenzie Health Vaughan Urgent Care Centre
Available: Daily. Walk-in
Monday to Friday 4 pm to 10 pm.
Saturday-Sunday 10 am to 4 pm
9401 Jane Street, Maple (Jane St, North of Rutherford Rd)
Call 905 832 4554 Ext 4898
Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital Emergency Department
Walk-in. Open 24 hours.
3200 Major Mackenzie Dr W. Vaughan (Major Mackenzie Ave, Hwy 400)
Call 905 883 1212
Mackenzie Health Richmond Hill Emergency Department
Walk-in. Open 24 hours.
10 Trench Street, Richmond Hill ( Major Mackenzie Ave, West of Yonge Street)
Call 905 883 1212
Any Emergency Department in Ontario
**Avoid walk-in clinics, virtual clinics (Telus, Maple, Shoppers and Greenshield) and housecall doctors** They are not part of the Circle Of Care Network of Doctors. They do not share your visit details and test results.
Circle of Care Medical Model
Use Of Doctors Outside The Circle of Care Network
No-Shows, Cancelling and Rescheduling Appointments
We have implemented a policy for “no-show” appointments. If a patient fails to show up for an appointment without satisfactory cause, the patient will be charged for this missed appointment.
As a courtesy, our office will try to send out telephone or email reminders of patient appointments.
Nevertheless, all patients are required to notify the office at least 24 hours prior to the appointment if it needs to be cancelled or rescheduled. Please note that there will be a charge for not rescheduling an appointment within the above noted time frame.